If you missed Give to Blue Day but would still like to make a gift to Support Indiana State, it's not too late!
College of Health and Human Services

The College of Health and Human Services is where students become professionals - poised to make a difference in their community!

Your gift will support students looking to become productive citizens and highly skilled health and human services professionals. With your support, students will go on to improve the lives of others and make our world a better place.

Our Give to Blue Day Priorities are:

In Honor of  Jean and Robert Hollar, the Peer Mentorship Award supports the training of students to become peer mentors, dedicated to the success of other students. 

The Student Professional Travel Scholarship supports student travel for important learning opportunities, such as professional conferences, clinicals, field work, internships, and interviews. 

The Addison Family Research Scholarship supports student engagement in faculty-led investigations of health. 

A gift to the Center for Sports Medicine and Performance helps ensure that student-athletes are healthy and performing at their best. 

Not sure where to give? The CHHS Fund is an unrestricted fund that allows the College to carefully but responsively devote resources to emerging needs.

If you want to support one of these priorities, or if you want to search for other funds in the College of Health and Human Services to support, click on the GIVE NOW Button at the top of this page. This will take you to the main donation page where you can select a fund or search for a fund by keyword. 

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Or you can contact us at kati.colvin@indstate.edu.